Gertrude Atherton

Short Fiction Titles
- Death in The Anti-Philistine: A Monthly Magazine & Review of Belles-Lettres: Also a Periodical of Protest (1897)
Further Reading
"Gertrude Atherton (30 October 1857-14 June 1948)." The House of Boni & Liveright, 1917-1933: A Documentary Volume. Ed. Charles Egleston. Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 288: Detriot: Gale, 2004. 145-153.
McClure, Charlotte S. "Gertrude Atherton (30 October 1857-15 June 1948)." American Novelists, 1910-1945. Ed. James J. Martine. Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 9: Detriot: Gale, 1981. 35-50.
McClure, Charlotte S. "Gertrude Atherton (30 October 1857-15 June 1948." American Short-Story Writers, 1880-1910. Eds Bobby Ellen Kimbel and William E. Grant. Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 78: Detroit: Gale, 1989. 3-12.
McClure, Charlotte S. "Gertrude Atherton (30 October 1857-14 June 1948.)" Nineteenth-Century American Western Writers. Ed. Robert L. Gale. Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 186: Detriot: Gale, 1997. 3-15.
- Cosenza Hendrickson