Short Fiction Titles
- The Abbot and the Black Penitent in Bentley's Miscellany (1838)
- An Adventure Under the Sea, Part 1 in Our Boys’ Journal; A Weekly Magazine for Every Home (1877)
- An Adventure Under the Sea, Part 2 in Our Boys’ Journal; A Weekly Magazine for Every Home (1877)
- All Men Equal:—An Oriental Fable in The True Briton (1852)
- An Angel Unawares in Forget-Me-Not (1896)
- Annie’s Pet Lamb; or, Kindness Brings Its Own Reward in The Children's Friend (1866)
- An April Fool in The Young Englishwoman (1867)
- The Black Pin in The Keepsake (1838)
- Blanche Tréguier in Macmillan's Magazine (1870)
- The Blue Wonder in Bentley's Miscellany (1837)
- The Boy and the Fire in Sunshine (1862)
- The Carpenter's Boy in The Working Man's Friend, and Family Instructor (1850)
- The Dead Alive in Bentley's Miscellany (1862)
- Death of the Old Wife in The Mothers' Treasury (1864)
- The Diary of a Disappointed Young Man, Part 1 in The Young Englishwoman (1867) [Draft]
- The Diary of a Disappointed Young Man, Part 2 in The Young Englishwoman (1867) [Draft]
- The Diary of a Disappointed Young Man, Part 3 in The Young Englishwoman (1867) [Draft]
- The Discontented Boy in Pleasant Hours: An Illustrated Monthly (1866)
- The Doctor's Daughter in All the Year Round, A Weekly Journal (1866)
- Don't Tell Father! in The Family Economist (1848)
- Dorothea's Dream in The Girl's Own Paper (1882)
- The Elopement. in The Ladies' Treasury (1858) [Draft]
- The Emu and the Inkstand in The Christian Keepsake and Missionary Annual (1837)
- An Evening with Dressmakers, Part 1 in The Bradfordian (1860)
- An Evening with Dressmakers, Part 2 in The Bradfordian (1860)
- Eyes or Mouth (Aux Dames) in The Young Englishwoman (1867)
- Fairy Turnspit in Aunt Judy’s Magazine; for Young People (1881)
- The Farmer’s Tale; or, That Way Won’t Do in The Child’s Companion and Juvenile Instructor (1853)
- The Fireside Fairy, Part 1 in The Ladies’ Companion at Home and Abroad (1850)
- The Fireside Fairy, Part 2 in The Ladies’ Companion at Home and Abroad (1850)
- The Fireside Fairy, Part 3 in The Ladies’ Companion at Home and Abroad (1850)
- A Fireside Story, Told by the Poker in Belgravia; A London Magazine (1866)
- Good Advice in The Chatterbox (1883)
- Have Patience in Primitive Methodist Juvenile Magazine (1864)
- Honesty and Industry: A Narrative for the Young in The Working Man's Friend, and Family Instructor (1852)
- The Johnnies in The Family Economist (1851)
- The King Whose Words Buttered Parsnips in The Man in the Moon (1848)
- The Light-House in The Train (1857) [Draft]
- Lilly Watson; or, The Star on the Deep in Eliza Cook’s Journal (1850) [Draft]
- Lucky Jack in Little Wide-Awake: A Story Book for Little Children (1875)
- The Man Who Carried His Own Bundle in The Comic Offering, or, Ladies’ Melange of Literary Mirth (1832) [Draft]
- Marie De Villemare in Bentley's Miscellany (1839)
- The Marquis and the Maiden in The Englishwoman’s Domestic Magazine (1858) [Draft]
- Minna, the Broom Girl in Marshall’s Christmas Box (1832)
- Moll of Wapping: An Eastern Tale, Part 1 in The Snob: A Literary and Scientific Journal (1829)
- Moll of Wapping: An Eastern Tale, Part 2 in The Snob: A Literary and Scientific Journal (1829)
- Moll of Wapping: An Eastern Tale, Part 3 in The Snob: A Literary and Scientific Journal (1829)
- A Musical Mystery in The Englishwoman’s Domestic Magazine (1860)
- My Brother’s Friend, Part 1 in The Young Englishwoman (1867)
- My Brother’s Friend, Part 2 in The Young Englishwoman (1867)
- The Mysterious Lady of the Haystack in The Young Englishwoman (1867)
- The Noble Florentine and the Lord Chancellor in The Family Friend (1876) [Draft]
- One To-Day Is Worth Two To-Morrows in Tract Magazine; or, Christian Miscellany (1864)
- The Plain Speaker: Being a Rude Sketch of a Real Character in The Yorkshire Family Magazine (1840)
- A Prize Marriage, Part 1 in The Young Englishwoman (1867)
- A Prize Marriage, Part 2 in The Young Englishwoman (1867)
- A Queer Cabin Companion in Once a Week (1862)
- Russian Travel in All the Year Round, A Weekly Journal (1862) [Draft]
- The Showman's Hat in Little Folks (1886)
- The Stepmother in The Englishwoman’s Domestic Magazine (1853)
- The Story of Narcissus in The Man in the Moon (1847)
- The Story of Prince Peechiperl and the Devil-Doctor in Beeton's Annual: Fact, Fiction, History, and Adventure (1870)
- A Sweet Old-Fashioned Flower in Forget-Me-Not (1896) [Draft]
- Teddy's Tree: A London Story in The Quiver (1896) [Draft]
- Tempted, but Not Overcome in The Ladies' Treasury (1861)
- A True Account of an Apparition in Household Words: A Weekly Journal (1852) [Draft]
- Uncle Jacob, Part 1 in Aunt Judy’s Magazine; for Young People (1869)
- Uncle Jacob, Part 2 in Aunt Judy’s Magazine; for Young People (1869)
- Watching By The Sea in The Young Englishwoman (1867)
- The Young Countess in Eliza Cook’s Journal (1849)
Further Reading
Law, Graham. "Anonymity and Signature." Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century Journalism in Great Britain and Ireland. Gen. Eds. Laurel Brake and Marysa Demoor. Gent and London: Academia Press and The British Library, 2009. 18-19.
- Leslee Thorne-Murphy