Domestic Fiction
Short Fiction Titles
- An Angel Unawares by Anonymous, in Forget-Me-Not (1896)
- Annie’s Pet Lamb; or, Kindness Brings Its Own Reward by Anonymous, in The Children’s Friend (1866)
- Beautiful Lucy Pierson: A Tale by Annie Hall Thomas, in London Society (1862)
- The Blue Wonder by Anonymous, in Bentley’s Miscellany (1837)
- The Convict by Charles Ollier, in The Library of Fiction, or Family Story-Teller (1836)
- The Doctor’s Daughter by Anonymous, in All the Year Round, A Weekly Journal (1866)
- Don’t Tell Father! by Anonymous, in The Family Economist (1848)
- The Elopement. by Anonymous, in The Ladies’ Treasury (1858) [Draft]
- The Fairy with the Grey Beard by Winifred Graham, in The Strand Magazine (1900)
- Fauntleroy; A Study in Parents by Walter Emanuel, in The Butterfly (1899) [Draft]
- For Money—For Love by Lucy Jane Clifford, in Cassell’s Family Magazine (1881)
- French with a Mistress by George Manville Fenn, in Hood’s Comic Annual (1883)
- The Haunted House, Part 7: The Ghost in the Garden Room by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell, in All the Year Round, A Weekly Journal (1859) [Draft]
- Head of the Family by W.W. Jacobs, in The Strand Magazine (1909)
- Helen Fairfax, continued by Catharine Taylor Whittle, in The Ladies’ Companion at Home and Abroad (1850)
- Helen Fairfax by Catharine Taylor Whittle, in The Ladies’ Companion at Home and Abroad (1850)
- Honoria Spencer’s Mistake; or, Duty Versus Love, Part 1 by S. L. Gibbs, in The Girl’s Own Paper (1882)
- Honoria Spencer’s Mistake; or, Duty Versus Love, Part 2 by S. L. Gibbs, in The Girl’s Own Paper (1882)
- A House to Let, Part 4: Three Evenings in the House by Adelaide Procter, in Household Words: A Weekly Journal (1858) [Draft]
- The Johnnies by Anonymous, in The Family Economist (1851)
- Lizzie Leigh, Part 1 by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell, in Household Words: A Weekly Journal (1850)
- Lizzie Leigh, Part 2 by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell, in Household Words: A Weekly Journal (1850)
- Lizzie Leigh, Part 3 by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell, in Household Words: A Weekly Journal (1850)
- May Goldworthy; A Sequel to ‘Queen O’ the May.’ Part 1 by Anne Beale, in The Girl’s Own Paper (1882) [Draft]
- My Blind Sister by Harriet Parr, in Household Words: A Weekly Journal (1856)
- A New Science. Study of Character from Gloves by D. M. J., in The Yorkshire Family Magazine (1840)
- Nothing to Do by Henry G. Hunt, in Hedderwick’s Miscellany of Instructive and Entertaining Literature (1863)
- The Old, Old Story by B. G. P., in The Young Ladies’ Journal (1877)
- Our Society at Cranford by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell, in Household Words: A Weekly Journal (1851)
- A Page by Frederika Bremer by Frederika Bremer, in The Man in the Moon (1847)
- A Pair of Silk Stockings by Sabine Baring-Gould, in Atalanta (1889)
- “Provide Things Honest”; or, Those Two Young Hills by Grace Stebbing, in The Girl’s Own Paper (1880) [Draft]
- The Sad Fortunes of the Reverend Amos Barton, Part I by George Eliot, in Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine (1857)
- The Showman’s Hat by Anonymous, in Little Folks (1886)
- The Stepmother by Anonymous, in The Englishwoman’s Domestic Magazine (1853)