Christian literature
Short Fiction Titles
- All Men Equal:—An Oriental Fable by Anonymous, in The True Briton (1852)
- Annie’s Pet Lamb; or, Kindness Brings Its Own Reward by Anonymous, in The Children’s Friend (1866)
- A Blot on St. Basil by Arthur George Morrison, in The Butterfly (1899)
- The Blue Wonder by Anonymous, in Bentley’s Miscellany (1837)
- The Concord of Clofield by Lily Dougall, in The Dome (1897)
- Daisy and Buttercup, Part 1 by Mrs. J. F. B. Firth, in The Girl’s Own Paper (1882)
- Death of the Old Wife by Anonymous, in The Mothers’ Treasury (1864)
- The Discontented Boy by Anonymous, in Pleasant Hours: An Illustrated Monthly (1866)
- Dorothea’s Dream by Anonymous, in The Girl’s Own Paper (1882)
- The Dream by Mary Shelley, in The Keepsake (1832)
- Emily von Rosenthal–How She Was Spirited Away by James White, in Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine (1839)
- The Emu and the Inkstand by Anonymous, in The Christian Keepsake and Missionary Annual (1837)
- The Farmer’s Tale; or, That Way Won’t Do by Anonymous, in The Child’s Companion and Juvenile Instructor (1853)
- Gabriel’s Marriage, Part 1 by Wilkie Collins, in Household Words: A Weekly Journal (1853)
- Good Advice by Anonymous, in The Chatterbox (1883)
- A Good Young Prince by L. W., in Beeton’s Annual: Fact, Fiction, History, and Adventure (1870)
- The Great Inundation by W. W. Fenn, in Routledge’s Every Boy’s Annual (1886)
- A Great Savior; Or, Gustave the Dutch Boy by Thomas John Barnado, in The Children’s Treasury & Advocate of the Homeless & Destitute (1874)
- The Haunted House, Part 4: The Ghost in the Picture Room by Adelaide Procter, in All the Year Round, A Weekly Journal (1859) [Draft]
- Have Patience by Anonymous, in Primitive Methodist Juvenile Magazine (1864)
- Killing the Watch Dog by Spurgeon, in The Cottager and Artisan (1884)
- The Land of Suspense: A Story of the Seen and Unseen by Margaret Oliphant, in Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine (1897)
- Legends of Richard the Good, Duke of Normandy by William John Thoms, in Leigh Hunt’s London Journal (1834)
- Light by John Gray, in The Pageant (1897) [Draft]
- Lilly Watson; or, The Star on the Deep by Anonymous, in Eliza Cook’s Journal (1850) [Draft]
- Minna, the Broom Girl by Anonymous, in Marshall’s Christmas Box (1832)
- A Mother’s Love (Chapters 1-2) by Frederick Hastings, in The Mothers’ Treasury (1883)
- A Mother’s Love (Chapters 3-4) by Frederick Hastings, in The Mothers’ Treasury (1883)
- A Mother’s Love (Chapter 5) by Frederick Hastings, in The Mothers’ Treasury (1883)
- A Musical Cinderella by William Freeland, in Hedderwick’s Miscellany of Instructive and Entertaining Literature (1862)
- My Brother’s Friend, Part 1 by Anonymous, in The Young Englishwoman (1867)
- My Brother’s Friend, Part 2 by Anonymous, in The Young Englishwoman (1867)
- My First Picture. A Tale. by R. M., in London Society (1862)
- The Old Dragon’s Story by William Martin, in Peter Parley’s Annual (1861)
- One To-Day Is Worth Two To-Morrows by Anonymous, in Tract Magazine; or, Christian Miscellany (1864)
- The Other Side: A Breton Legend by Eric Stenbock, in The Spirit Lamp: An Oxford Magazine without News, an Aesthetic, Literary, and Critical Magazine (1893)
- The Parson’s Lighthouse by J. F. Rowbotham, in The Quiver (1896) [Draft]
- The Plain Speaker: Being a Rude Sketch of a Real Character by Anonymous, in The Yorkshire Family Magazine (1840)
- The Sad Fortunes of the Reverend Amos Barton, Part I by George Eliot, in Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine (1857)
- The Sad Fortunes of the Reverend Amos Barton, Part II by George Eliot, in Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine (1857)
- The Shoe-Black by Uncle Tom, in The Children’s Treasury & Advocate of the Homeless & Destitute (1874)
- The Tables of the Law by William Butler Yeats, in The Savoy (1896)
- The Tambourine Girl by L. T. Meade, in Atalanta (1887) [Draft]
- Tamsine: A Tale of the Sea by Georgina Gollock, in Our Own Gazette; Young Women’s Christian Association News (1885)
- Teddy’s Tree: A London Story by Anonymous, in The Quiver (1896) [Draft]
- The Tender-hearted Society by Beech-Holme, in Early Days (1898)
- True and Just in All My Dealings by R. L. C., in The Monthly Packet (1881)
- The Two New Year’s Gifts, Part 1 by S. M. F., in Tract Magazine; or, Christian Miscellany (1857)
- The Two New Year’s Gifts, Part 2 by S. M. F., in Tract Magazine; or, Christian Miscellany (1857)
- The Ungrateful Man by Massenius, in The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction (1835)
- Unopened Parcels by Margaret Gatty, in Aunt Judy’s Magazine; for Young People (1868)
- Whirlwind Reapers by Mrs. John Brett, in A 1 Annual (1888)
- Why Mabel Altered Her Will, Part 1 by A*, in The Prize (1884) [Draft]
- Winter’s Evening by Sarah Stickney Ellis, in Fisher’s Juvenile Scrap-Book (1842)