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Stories by Journal

A 1 Annual

All the Year Round, A Weekly Journal

Amulet, A Christian Literacy Remembrancer, The

Anti-Philistine, The: A Monthly Magazine & Review of Belles-Lettres: Also a Periodical of Protest

Argosy, The


Aunt Judy’s Magazine; for Young People

Beeton’s Annual Fact, Fiction, History, and Adventure

Belgravia; A London Magazine

Bentley’s Miscellany

Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine

Boy’s Own Paper, The

Bradfordian, The

British Workwoman, The

Butterfly, The

Cassell’s Family Magazine

Chatterbox, The

Child’s Companion and Juvenile Instructor, The

Children’s Friend, The

Children’s Treasury & Advocate of the Homeless & Destitute, The

Cockney Adventures and Tales of London Life

Comic Offering, or, Ladies’ Melange of Literary Mirth, The

Cornhill Magzine, The

Cornish Magazine, The

Cosmopolis; An International Monthly Review

Cottager and Artisan, The

Dome, The

Early Days

Eliza Cook’s Journal

English Illustrated Magazine,The

Englishwoman’s Domestic Magazine, The

Family Economist, The

Family Friend, The

Father Christmas

Fisher’s Juvenile Scrap-Book

Fores’s Sporting Notes and Sketches; a Quarterly Magazine Descriptive of British and Foreign Sport


Friendship’s Offering

Germ: Thoughts Toward Nature in Poetry, Literature and Art, The

Girl’s Own Paper, The

Graphic, The

Heath’s Book of Beauty

Hedderwick’s Miscellany of Instructive and Entertaining Literature

Hood’s Comic Annual

Household Words: A Weekly Journal

Idler, The

Illuminated Magazine, The

International Theosophist, The

Keepsake, The

Ladies’ Treasury, The

Ladies’ Companion at Home and Abroad, The

Leigh Hunt’s London Journal

Library of Fiction, or Family Story-Teller

Literary Examiner, The

LIttle Folks

Little Wide-Awake: A Story Book for Little Children

London Journal and Weekly Record of Literature, Science, and Art, The

London Society

Longman’s Magazine

Macmillan’s Magazine

Man in the Moon, The

Marshall’s Christmas Box

Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction, The

Monthly Packet, The

Mothers’ Treasury, The

Nineteenth Century, The

Nister’s Holiday Annual

Once a Week

Our Boys’ Journal; A Weekly Magazine for Every Home

Our Corner

Our Own Gazette; Young Women’s Christian Association News

Pageant, The

Pall Mall Magazine, The

Peter Parley’s Annual

Physical Culture

Pleasant Hours: An Illustrated Monthly

Primitive Methodist Juvenile Magazine

Prize, The


Quiver, The

Routledge’s Every Boy’s Annual

Samhain: an Occasional Review

Savoy, The

Shotover Papers, or, Echoes from Oxford, The

Snob: A Literary and Scientific Journal, The

Spirit Lamp: An Oxford Magazine without News, an Aesthetic, Literary, and Critical Magazine

Strand Magazine, The


Temple Bar

The Christian Keepsake and Missionary Annual

Tract Magazine; and, Christian Miscellany

Train, The

True Briton, The

Truth-Seeker, The

Union Jack, The

Utopia: A Mutual Improvement Magazine and Monthly Review

Windsor Magazine

Woman’s World

Working Man’s Friend, and Family Instructor, The

Yellow Book, The

Yorkshire Family Magazine, The

Young Emancipator, The

Young England: An Illustrated Magazine for Recreation and Instruction

Young Englishwoman, The

Young Ladies’ Journal, The